Hommage à Yolande Simard Perrault (1939-2019)

Pour diffusion immédiate

Montréal, le 9 juillet 2019 - Notre chère, fidèle et grande collaboratrice Yolande Simard Perrault nous a quittés la semaine dernière. Fascinée par le fleuve, par l'énergie et la richesse du territoire, témoin de son histoire humaine et géologique, Yolande Simard Perrault a amoureusement vanté les mérites et les charmes incontestables de nos régions. Originaire de Charlevoix, cette femme plus grande que nature a fait comprendre à Pierre Perrault, avec qui elle s'est fiancée sous l'ardeur du soleil, toute la poésie de ce lieu et, surtout, de ses habitants. Sans elle, Pour la suite du monde, cette œuvre phare dans la cinématographie québécoise, n'aurait sans doute jamais vu le jour. La Trilogie de l'île-aux-Coudres est donc teintée de l'attachement et du respect profond de Yolande, d'abord, puis de Pierre, envers ce territoire qui les a tant marqués, tant inspirés. On retient aussi de Yolande sa soif de connaissances, effectuant même un retour aux études à l'âge de 45 ans afin de poursuivre sa passion pour l'archéologie. C'était une chercheuse, une fouilleuse qui a toujours été fascinée par le sol qu'elle foulait.
Récemment, deux documentaires ont pu faire découvrir la personnalité lumineuse de Yolande : L'avenir du passé, Pierre et Yolande Perrault de Mina Rad, présenté au Festival International du Film sur l'Art (FIFA) plus tôt cette année, et La fille du cratère, réalisé par les documentaristes Nadine Beaudet et Danic Champoux présenté en première mondiale aux Rendez-vous Québec Cinéma (RVQC). Grâce au prix Pierre-et-Yolande-Perrault, remis au meilleur premier ou deuxième long métrage documentaire québécois dans le cadre des RVQC, leur legs se poursuit en soulignant le talent des créateurs d'ici. Récemment, de magnifiques œuvres se sont vues récompensées de ce prestigieux prix, notamment L'autre Rio d'Émilie Beaulieu-Guérette, Sur la lune de nickel de François Jacob, Les Terres lointaines de Félix Lamarche, La démolition familiale de Patrick Damien, Le cosaque et la gitane de Nadine Beaudet et Transatlantique de Félix Dufour-Laperrière.
« Ma chère et immense Yolande, au destin façonné par tes rêves et ta détermination, tu as su, comme toujours, rendre la vie passionnante et riche de rencontres, jusqu'à la dernière journée. J'ai eu la chance d'être l'une de tes nombreuses amies et de te côtoyer durant plusieurs années. Tu as tant donné au cinéma québécois et particulièrement aux Rendez-vous avec la création de ce prix destiné à la relève. Ce prix qui porte ton nom et celui de ton grand amour, Pierre Perrault, gardera ta mémoire bien vivante. Merci pour tout ma chère amie, merci pour la grande et belle inspiration. Tu seras dans nos cœurs à jamais. Je suis triste aujourd'hui, mais aussi heureuse que tu sois partie comme tu as toujours vécu : avec force et simplicité », confie Ségolène Roederer, directrice générale de Québec Cinéma.
Amoureuse de la langue vernaculaire, de ses couleurs et de ses accents, Yolande a toujours défendu l'apport des régions et leur unicité. À présent, celle qui se décrivait comme une « rêveuse raisonnante » a rejoint son époux, vingt ans après son départ. Sa force et son intelligence en ont fait une femme aux convictions profondes, marquant au passage chaque personne qui a eu le bonheur de croiser son chemin.
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SOURCE                Diane Leblanc | directrice communications-marketing | Québec Cinéma
                               dleblanc@quebeccinema.ca | 514 917-4425
MÉDIAS                Cindy Blanchette | Annexe Communications
                               cblanchette@annexecommunications.com | 514 844-8864, poste 119

Coincidence…I think not!

Downloaded from Pinterest June 6, 2019. 
Converted to PDF, then to Word. Errors in grammar corrected.
Abraham Lincoln
John  F. . Kennedy
Have a history teacher explain this if they can.

Abraham Lincoln was elected to congress in 1846.
John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.
Lincoln was elected President in 1860.
Kennedy was elected President in 1960.

Both were particularly concerned with civil rights.
Both wives lost a child while living in the White House,
Both Presidents were shot on a Friday.
Both Presidents were shot in the head.

Lincoln's Secretary was named Kennedy.
Kennedy s Secretary was named Lincoln.
Both were assassinated by Southerners.
Both were succeeded by Southerners named Johnson.
Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808. 
Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908.

John Wilkes Booth, who assassinated Lincoln, was born in 1839.
Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated Kennedy, was born in 1939.
Both assassins were known by their three names.
Both names are composed of fifteen letters.

Lincoln was shot a the theater named "Ford”
Kennedy was shot in a "Lincoln" car made by “Ford".
Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials.

A week before Lincoln was shot, in Monroe, Maryland.
A week before Kennedy was shot, he was with Marilyn Monroe.

Lincoln was shot in a theater and the assassin ran to a warehouse.
Kennedy was shot from a warehouse and the assassin ran to a theater.


You need to see this line in Mueller's report.

“If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the president clearly did not commit
obstruction of justice, we would so state.
Based on the facts and applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment.”
Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russian interference.

Add your name to demand that
Attorney General Barr release
Robert Mueller's full report

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee


Canadian clothing designed with authenticity and originality

Evelyne wearing a Birds of North America pant suit
Evelyne Shannon Drouin is passionate about fashion, but not just any kind. The clothing she sells in her beautiful store is made in Canada. Although each item in the collections of 17 brands offers its own unique style, each shares the same attributes. The material is natural; the item must be highly original and a Canadian-made creation. In fact, she sells brands from Quebec, BC and Ontario.

“We go for distinct styles. Most of our clothings is made from natural fibres. This feels lovely against the skin. We have classic cuts that fit, flatter and enhance the client’s silhouette. There is something for every body type. We want our clients to come and shop here for one-of-a kind clothes and accessories    that make them feel good and lifts their mood.”

Variety in Canadian Clothing Content

Walking into her store, I felt a cocoon of calm settling over me. The notably distinct clothing designs had their own natural allure. The classic, the dainty and the different delighted my eye and had its ‘wow’ effect’ on me.  I looked forward to wearing a creation that was completely made in Canada and cut locally with care and love

“People should know that our clothes do not come from any sweat shop. Nothing is made overseas. Everything is ethically and locally made and most items are made from natural fibers.”
Evelyne holding up clothes  by Jennifer Glasgow

Dynamic Designers
I discovered that natural neutral colours are key to sophistication and subtlety.
I loved the long-sleeved dress shirt sporting gentle blue stripes. Then again, a colourful blouse and a polka dot number beckoned me. 

Everything is unique, and because of the high standards of quality, the collections are timeless keepers. Whether it be a pant suit, a print dress or a stand-out top, you’ll discover this store has widespread product. Evelyne coyly showcased some items. She herself was wearing a  pant suit designed by Birds of North.

Evelyne holding up dresses by Cherry Bobin

Cards and Bibs
Moving to the left area of the boutique, my eye caught a catchy corner of greeting cards. You’ll find some whimsical post cards with wonderful phrases on the front – each referring to different situations. Of course everything is hand-made in the maple-leaf nation. 

Take a look at the cute baby bibs and kiddie clothes near the cards. 

Talk about style for toddlers!

Foodie and Spice Connoisseurs
Brimming in gifts, the store has widespread product appeal. There’s a variety of bitters within the collection of mixology. Syrups and La Pincée – a line of mixed spices, peppers and fresh ground herbs in single jars certainly make an original gift. Also on the foodie table are attractive containers for butter, garlic, salt and sundry containers.  Foodie accessories abound here.

 Enjoy meandering and discovering the pot-pourri of Canadian-made goodie

How about adding colourful comfort to your home? The throws and pillows add variety pop, not to mention snooze comfort.

I admired the interesting jewellery by Louve

Jewellery… Simple and stunning
Finally, the extraordinary jewellery is beautiful to behold, it has a quiet dazzle factor. The glittering pair of gold quartz earrings yanked my chain. Long earrings with slither thin lace had its own exotica, as did the wonderful wood pendants of the necklaces. Organic and original, they seemed to embody Evelyne’s philosophy of natural simplicity. These treasures are also framed on the wall, so look up and  down at the showcase to find what suits you.

Jewellery by Pilar Agueci

Jewellery by This Ilk

Evelyne, a Woman of Excellence
Named after her beloved grandmother from which she herself got her name, Evelyne launched her store in mid-2016. Her experience and connections in the fashion world came from working in the wholesale end of things, even having her own agency, called Bold. Grouping her favourite designers from which she selected 17 compelling collections, she launched Evelyne widespread appeal.

A woman devoted to others, Evelyne offers private consultations on choosing what’s right for you. Clothes make the woman here, and the clothing is a treat for us. But Evelyne has a few surprises up her own sleeve. She’s an avid cook and has a bold hobby: boxing. Will wonders never cease? Not as long as Evelyne and her boutique are here.


Evelyne Boutique is located at 5127 Sherbrooke West, Montreal,
Check out her website: hello@evelyneboutique.com
Call: (514)903-6554